I've missed a week of the plan, what should I do? Adaptation to the body occurs when we rest so the only way to improve is to take rest and recovery seriously. As well as the runs, the training plan includes those all important rest days - make sure you use these properly to avoid burning out or getting an injury. Work out what pace to do each of your runs at using our training pace calaculator - just tell us a recent run time and we'll do the rest.

Run one mile easy to warm up and one mile easy to cool down. Marathon pace – This is the pace that you hope to maintain in the race. Mile repeats – After a one-mile warm-up, run one mile at the given pace, then jog very slowly for half a mile to recover.

This should be 30 seconds to one minute per mile slower than your goal pace. Run at an easy pace you should be able to hold a conversation. Long run – Much like an easy run, this is a long, slow distance run that will build your endurance.